Answers from a Los Angeles Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Being accused of a sex crime is one of the most stressful things you can experience. ​Penalties can include imprisonment, lifetime registration as a sex offender, probation, and fines. If you or a loved one are facing sex crime allegations, we can help. Call us at (213) 377-6102 for a free case evaluation with a Los Angeles sex crimes defense attorney.

Los Angeles Sex Crime Defense Attorney | The Law Offices of Veronica T. Barton

Which crimes are considered sex crimes?

Some of the most common sex crimes are:

  • Sexual Molestation (PC 288)
  • Rape
  • Forcible Sodomy
  • Forcible Oral Copulation

Other common sex crimes that our clients face include Annoying or Molesting a Child Under 18 (PC § 647.6), Child Sexual Abuse (PC § 288.5), Date Rape (PC § 261), Failure to Register as a Sex (PC § 290), Indecent Exposure (PC § 314), Lewd Acts with a Child (PC § 288), Lewd Conduct (PC § 647(a), Possession of Child Pornography (PC § 311), Prostitution (PC § 647(b)), Sexual Battery (PC § 243.4), Soliciting a Prostitute (PC § 647), and Statutory Rape (PC § 261.5).

If you or a loved one are facing any sex-related charges, we can help. Call us at (213) 377-6102 for a completely free consultation about how we can help you.

What are the penalties for sex crime in Los Angeles?

The consequences of a conviction for a sex crime vary, but they frequently include lifetime sex offender registration, prison time, the requirement to disclose the conviction on job applications, a ban on possessing a firearm, and, generally, the inability to get the conviction expunged.

Los Angeles Sex Crime Defense Attorney | The Law Offices of Veronica T. Barton

What are common defenses to sex crimes?

There are a number of ways to defend against a sex crime charge, such as:

  • False Accusation. All too often, those accused of sex crimes are victims of false accusations. Whether the accuser is confused, looking for revenge, regrets his or her actions, and is looking for someone to blame, misidentified you, or has been effectively brainwashed by someone else, we can help. Call us now at (213) 377-6102 to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.
  • Another common defense to sex crime charges is consent or an honest and reasonable belief that the accuser consented. Call us now at (213) 377-6102 to talk to one of our attorneys about using consent as a defense to get your sex crime charges dismissed.
  • Insufficient Evidence. Many times, the only evidence that a sex crime occurred is the word of one person: the accuser. A skilled defense attorney can attack the evidence and demonstrate that the word of one person is insufficient to convict someone of a sex crime. To discuss your case with an attorney, call us now at (213) 377-6102.

How an Experienced Los Angeles Sex Crimes Attorney Can Help You

You need to be prepared even before the first hearing to fight these charges and get the best possible result. A smart, aggressive criminal defense attorney can help you in key ways, such as:

  • Meeting with the detective before the first court date to persuade him or her to drop the charges. (Often, the police arrest first and ask questions later. But sometimes all it takes to get the police to drop a case is for me to present my client’s side of the story);
  • Arguing against raising your bail and taking you into custody at your first hearing (which frequently happens if new charges are added or if the DA requests a bail increase);
  • Getting felony charges reduced to misdemeanor charges;
  • Filing time-sensitive motions, such as motions to suppress evidence and confessions;
  • Working with private investigators to investigate the accuser and/or witnesses to uncover lack of credibility and bias; and
  • Negotiating with the prosecutor for an outcome with no sex offender registration or jail time.
Los Angeles Sex Crime Defense Attorney | The Law Offices of Veronica T. Barton

Get Help from a Los Angeles Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one are facing sex crimes allegations, consult with an experienced Los Angeles sex crimes defense attorney as soon as possible. We are here for you. Call us at (213) 377-6102 for a completely free consultation about your case.

Los Angeles Homicide Defense Attorney | The Law Offices of Veronica T. Barton